Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Hearts for Youth has been able to see an abundance of recent improvements to the HFY ball-fields. HFY was the recent recipient of the Community Foundation's Addie Russell Grant. Since being awarded the $5000 in grant money, Dale Hunneyman has been actively working to invest the grant money on ball field improvements. This money was spent on reconstructing two backstops and grading the Grasshopper fields. The backstops and grading work was completed by Royce Newberry and his crew. Royce Newberry also donated additional money to help complete the project.

Additionally, Dave Bearup generously donated fencing to help finish the backstop. Coach Bill Mitchell and Dean Erck have worked to set up the bases and groom the Grasshopper fields. Coaches Roger Jobson, Keith Johnston, Wayne Davis, Gary Bass, and Dean Erck along with several players have groomed the Pee Wee field, set bases, reconstructed the homerun fence, and installed fencing for one field's dugout. The Wills Family has saved materials for the construction of the visitor's dugout and HFY is currently looking for volunteers to help finish that project.

Keith Johnston and Dean Erck have also cleaned out the Redwood supply shed and have discovered many items to put to use. An old gas pitching machine that was donated by Dick West has been reconditioned and is now operational.

Although several improvements have been made, there are still many plans in the works as well. The Town of Alexandria has cleared the tree line for field number two and plans have been made to prepare it for use next year. Further, the organization hopes to complete the back of the home dugout and set up a small concession stand with water and power with the help of David Bain. Again, HFY is looking for volunteers for this project. The organization is also planning to sell advertising space along the fields to help fund it's need for additional fencing. Once all of the work on the field's has been complete the organization would then like to set up a small picnic area for families to use.

Hearts for Youth would like to thank the Alexandria Bay community for helping make these improvements possible. If it were not for the countless donations made by members of the community, than the HFY Baseball and Softball programs would be in jeopardy. If you are interested in assisting with current projects or need assistance with one of your own, please contact the HFY office at (315) 482-9971 x2130.


This week the HFY Homework club will be held Tuesday from 3:00-3:30PM, Tutoring will be Wednesday from 3:00-3:30PM, and the Youth Board will be meeting Thursday from 3:00-3:30PM.


Along with Swim Instructors, HFY is also seeking individuals interested in being Tennis Instructors. The HFY tennis program has been operating for a number of years now and this season the program does not have enough interested instructors. Without the necessary instructors, the program is at risk of being canceled. If you are interested in helping, please contact the HFY office.


Administrative position available with local youth organization. Part-time; strong computer skills; leadership and public relations experience. Send resume to Hearts for Youth, PO Box 414, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607


Swim Season is quickly approaching and Hearts for Youth is still seeking Water Safety Instructors (WSI). The WSI training classes will be starting soon. If you are interested in becoming a WSI, please contact the HFY office at (315) 482-9971 Ext. 2130


There will be a Junior SHOV for youth in Grades 4-6 at the Reformed Church on May 26th. Youth in Grades 7-12 will have SHOV on May 28th and HFY will be holding a dessert sale at the American Legion on Friday June 4th.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Administrative position available with local youth organization. Part-time; strong computer skills; leadership and public relations experience. Send resume to Hearts for Youth, PO Box 414, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607


This week the HFY Homework club will be held Tuesday from 3:00-3:30PM, Tutoring will be Wednesday from3:00-3:30PM, and the Youth Board will be meeting Thursday from 3:00-3:30PM.


If you or your organization is interested in some helping hands, the Hearts for Youth Youth Board is willing to hear about it. The Board is constantly seeking ways to give back to the community. Please contact the Hearts for Youth Office at (315) 482-9971 x2130 and tell us about your projects and ideas!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Administrative position available with local youth organization. Part-time; strong computer skills; leadership and public relations experience. Send resume to Hearts for Youth, PO Box 414, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607


If you or your organization is interested in some helping hands, the Hearts for Youth Youth Board is willing to hear about it. The Board is constantly seeking ways to give back to the community. Please contact the Hearts for Youth Office at (315) 482-9971 x2130 and tell us about your projects and ideas!


This week the HFY Homework club will be held Tuesday from 3:00-3:30PM, Tutoring will be Wednesday from3:00-3:30PM, and the Youth Board will be meeting Thursday from 3:00-3:30PM.