Friday, April 10, 2009


Now that Spring is in the air, the Baseball/Softball season has become a very large topic of attention for Hearts for Youth and the local community. The HFY Baseball/Softball program serves over 200 area youth each summer. Yet, the Baseball/Softball fields in the Alexandria Bay Community are in despair. With that said, HFY is asking that you visit and vote to have the Petrie Fields repaired. The Petrie Fields have been nominated for the Frosted Flakes Plant-A-Seed program. Through this program, select communities are awarded funding to repair their fields, giving area youth the a place to grow and play. Recipients of this award are determined partly on the number of supporters the field has. Thus, in order for the Petrie Fields to win, it is imperative that everyone go to the Frosted Flakes website and vote on the fields. To do so, simply visit, search for nominated fields in Redwood, NY 13679, select Petrie Fields, and then click on the SUPPORT THIS FIELD icon.

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