Sunday, May 3, 2009


Hearts for Youth is looking to expand its volunteer base and Executive Board leadership. If you have a “HEART” for youth and youth programming and are willing to give of your time and talent, please consider attending an orientation meeting on Monday, May 18th at 6:00 PM.
Leadership roles are available for long-term or short-term commitments. They may be for a season or particular sport or activity. Sponsoring a child in an activity would also be a way to help HFY and youth participation.
There is an orientation packet available at the HFY office at Alexandria Central School. This packet will give you an overview of the different roles that are played by community members and paid staff to keep the Hearts for Youth program running and moving forward.
If you want a packet, please contact HFY through their e-mail address,, and leave your name and address. You may also call 482-9971 x2130 and leave a message. A packet will be mailed to you.

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