Monday, August 3, 2009


Another great Hearts for Youth Swim Season came to an end on Friday, July 24th. The season culminated with an end of season swim party. Swimmers spent the day testing out of their swim levels and then celebrating their hard work with free swim and a picnic.

Pictured above are Julia Erck’s Level One Swimmers enjoying the swim party. Pictured from Left to Right. Front Row, Ella Pyne, Brock Hunter, Kendall Croll, Gracie Richardson, Eric Croll, Emily Sutton, Nolan Irvine. Back Row, Julia Erck, Sampie Sutton.

Above, Level Two Swim Instructor, Dean Erck watches Ashelee Ferency (back floating), while Maria Miller watches from afar.

This amazing cake was made by Ms. Karen Side and was enjoyed by plenty of hungry swimmers. Thanks Karen for the delicious and beautiful cake!!

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